Musoda Joseph Mwansa is a young African, from northern Zambia, who currently lives in Perth, Australia. He is the founder of Global Empowers, a social enterprise with a purpose to uplift millions of the desperate needy into hopes of a productive future and the Mwansa Foundation, a non-profit organization that was established under Global Empowers with an aim of empowering and inspiring communities around the globe through programs that are specifically designed to accommodate the needs of struggling communities.
Worrying about the numerous health issues and struggle people in his community are faced with due to the consumption of unsafe water, he decided to do a research in Australia and find a solution to the problem. He came up with \“VIGOR AQUA\“, a tablet which is used in purifying water and also adds some essential minerals to the water. Vigor Aqua eliminates germs and viruses that cause water borne diseases. Vigor Aqua will treat and free water from giardia, cholera, typhoid, dysentery and many other waterborne diseases including Hepatitis A & E and Salmonella. This product will also accommodate the nutritious needs of individuals by adding to the water essential vitamins and nutrients – as Vigor Aqua is not only a water purification tablet but also a source of food. The team just finished their research on the water tablet with the help of scientists from Europe.