Nadia Onguele was born in Libreville, Gabon. She is currently running an initiative that sponsors children with school fees, collects clothes, books and other items for children to distribute them to socially vulnerable families in remote areas. Nadia has lived in several countries. She studied Human Resources Development in Accra, Ghana. In the course of the past years, particularly since 2014, she have reoriented her activities towards management and the implementation of projects in the social sector, on the ground, and with some further studies in European projects and Human Rights. Her further studies for the International Master in European Studies, offered by the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, have given her an in-depth knowledge of Projects Management, and of the European Union Institutional Structure, functioning and policies.
She completed these studies with an appointment as Project Assistant with the European Projects Association in Brussels, allowing her to contribute to the organisation and management of a sensitisation programme on social issues in Montenegro. Prior to that, although, she had contributed informally to the activities of organisations helping deprived children in Burundi, where she lived for a year. After this field experience and her master studies, she worked as Program Assistant with Vive Peru, an association based in Trujillo, Peru, which implements social programmes for children.