As a nonprofit member of the Dianova International network operating in 14 countries in Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia, Dianova Portugal in close cooperation with Government Authorities and International Institutions such us United Nations – UNODC, VNGOC, EFTC and European Commission is focusing in changing behaviors on drugs, alcohol and internet addiction through a diversity of health education and prevention campaigns, treatment and reintegration of people with vulnerabilities towards self-fullfilment, increased quality of life and healthy lifestyles. Dianova’s latest drug prevention campaign in association with UNODC (#ListenFirst) has been launched the 26th June to celebrate the International Gay Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Through the “Listen first” campaign, Dianova insisted on a very simple concept – listening – tailored to policy and decision makers, parents, teachers, prevention professionals and other health care providers, especially in the countries where the Dianova Network operates, i.e. Canada, Chile, India, Italy, Kenya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Sweden, USA, and Uruguay. The message is this: Listen to children and young people with empathy and care can help prevent risk behaviors and drug-use. Furthermore, research studies have shown that through these science-based drug prevention strategies, on average, up to 30 times the amount of funds invested can be saved in future health and social care costs. Web site: