An ounce of humanity goes a long way

New Delhi: The pandemic has seen extraordinary levels of mutual help, according to Alokesh Sharma, Founder of Kayantar Foundation, interviewed for OLBIOS.

Giving vulnerable people tools for empowerment

Mahmoud Riyad, Social Innovation Specialist at Jordan River Foundation, spoke to OLBIOS from Jordan on the importance of providing tools that allow people to serve their communities and beyond.

A time for charities to reinvent themselves

In his OLBIOS article, Jeremy Douglas, Vice President at Ocean Wise, uses the example of the Vancouver Aquarium to argue in favor of reinventing charity funding models.

Nine million meals

Watch the wonderful documentary directed by Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine, and the story of three exceptional children preparing for a music competition.

Saving the lives of the prematurely born

Doris Mollel, Founder of the Dolis Mollel Foundation, writes at OLBIOS about how to take care of thousands of babies

How Blockchain will disrupt the Power Sector

Brianna Lee Welsh, Managing Director at Sindicatum Blockchain Technologies, discusses ownership, sharing economy and disruptive peer-to-peer networks

The many paths of social impact

Brazil: Victor Rabelo presents the outstanding work of the BUNGE FOUNDATION and its commitment to social development

A world that unlocks the infinite potential of every child

Kemal Shaheen, Director at Paper Boat, presents the Joe Homan Charity and explains how learning environments expand children’s horizons

A loving home for every child

Monica Perez tells the story of SOS Children’s Villages, and how they provide a safe environment to more than one million children

From street-smart to street-educated

For some children, streets are their learning environment; Arnoud Raskin presents Mobile School and the power of its pioneering outreach strategy based on empowerment, as opposed to merely assistance.

Your vision is not your mission (and vice versa)

Ian McLintock outlines some crucial differences between two terms that are often confused but should be kept clear and distinct.

Lessons in innovation from RED

Philip Haid tells the story of how RED was born at a time when the link between commerce, consumerism and philanthropic causes was far from obvious

The Orphan Myth: The Global Movement to End Institutionalisation

In his article for OLBIOS, Martin Punaks writes on the powerful ‘orphan myth’ and the challenges of fighting institutionalization and orphan trafficking, The solution lies in moving children to family and family-like structures, argues Punaks.

Doing the math for diesel 

In his contribution to OLBIOS, Christopher Hoffman shows how some simple calculations can pave the way for change in how the UN and NGOs operate.

Conviviality and richness - made by Syrians!

Brussels, Belgium : Obada Otabashi highlights for OLBIOS the excellent work of WE EXIST

The relief work that hurts and the work that really helps

Alabama, USA : Catherine Parrill, CEO of the Creative Exchanges Initiative, shares her insights at OLBIOS

If you want to change the minds, change the infrastructure

Precious Ebere, OLBIOS Correspondent in Nigeria, Founder of « Do Take Action », presents the organization

COCA COLA: much more than a soft drink

The idea of ColaLife

Who will help the young artists reach their full potential?

The work of the AICF and the pride of Israel since 1939

Unleashing the passion of young people

The work of GivingPoint

The power of Pennsylvania

The only university-based center that focuses on philanthropy and impact

Healing through Learning

Changing lives in Rwanda

The power of music to change lives

the Sound Foundation, an excellent initiative from UK to Uganda

The beauty and the meaning

The art workshops of Pass the Crayon

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