Fix your community yourself

Ben Berkowitz has developed an idea after getting frustrated with city hall’s lack of response to graffiti in his neighborhood.

Coronavirus: the good, the bad and the return of politics

Belgrade: The coronavirus threat has united the world under one threat but has also signaled a return to philosophical and political thinking, argues activist Filip Milenkovic in an interview with OLBIOS.

Fishing in Troubled Waters: Political Polarization, Disruption, and Geopolitics.

Dominican Republic: Writing in OLBIOS, Ricardo David Ruiz Cepeda analyses tribal human nature, polarized societies, widespread social irrationality and possible ways to overcome it.

Data governance in the public sector: The buzz and the practice

Arturo Rivera Perez, Policy Analyst at OECD, writes on the connection between good data governance and cohesion and integration

The case against ‘nationalist isolationism'

In his article to OLBIOS, Diego Gómez Pickering argues that people are at the forefront of the new socio-political paradigm that will shape up the rest of this century

The idea of a strong Europe

FOMOSO, a platform on a vital European region

Republic Lost

Lawrence Lessig interviews Edward Snowden

What the Wall Street protesters achieved

The Occupy Wall Street movement

Is there such thing as a "happy" country?

depending on the definition, results are surprisingly different

Music is about politics

C.Brown's 'From Beethoven to Hip-Hop', and more

Can art affect political change?

an excellent panel from the New School

Thinking hemispherically

the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics

The Lord's left

progressive religious activism in the US

Technology and human rights

choosing the activists you want to support and the dictators you want to weaken

The fight of a president

Tommy Remengesau and an archipelago worth knowing

Impunity, a film about Colombia

and the links of crime and politics

The Community of the Wrongly Accused

how do you fight stigma?

Mandela's real offer

a documentary about the Commission for Reconciliation

Against the 6 trillion of illicit money

The Global Witness project

The world required by the young

watch the documentary of P. Davidson

The Yemeni youth revolt

remember what happened in Saana

The New New Left

arguments of Steven Malanga

Which African leader deserves the prize?

Mo Ibrahim and the African Government index

Blessed Unrest

essential teachings from Paul Hawken

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