South Africa – Cape Town – 14 November 2019 – Akhona Hili with her baby Ivakhele Hili who was born at 27 weeks. World Prematurity Day is on 17 November 2019. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year an estimated 15 million infants worldwide are born preterm (over 3 weeks early). The Mowbray Maternity Hospital, the largest dedicated maternity hospital in South Africa, officially opened its doors in 1916
Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency
The Doris Mollel Foundation is a Tanzanian based organization established in 2015 to provide for the needs of the prematurely born in Tanzania and the world at large. Its founder (Ms Doris Mollel), herself prematurely born, saw the strong need to support her Government efforts to alleviate the plight of these unfortunate individuals by raising awareness, providing medical care, furnishing hospitals with equipment necessary for their survival and advising the Government on creating friendly policies to support parents.
The foundation is now leading efforts in requesting the United Nations to incorporate World Prematurity Day in its Calendar.
They believe in creating a world where humanity is key to life.