The Pravo Ljudski Film Festival arose from the commitment to record, disclose, explain and question, but also to finally provoke thinking and inform through independent cinema and arts. What has started as educational documentary films screenings for the students of the European Regional MA in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe, since 2006 has developed into an international festival contributing to the promotion of creative documentary cinema and audio-visual arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. The first festival, which took place in June, 2006 screened 17 films, and welcomed 7 guest filmmakers; obviously, it was more then enough to create an inner sparkle, an inspiration for devoted work and commitment to the promotion of independent cinema and the art of film across Bosnia and Herzegovina – not only in Sarajevo, and not only inside the cinemas. Pravo Ljudski focused its energy to provide “creative” solutions of the war-torn and sadly abandoned cinemas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with screens outside of the cinemas: public spaces, schools, museums, or libraries. Since 2006, Pravo Ljudski visited over 30 towns, screening hundreds of films to diverse audiences. Lively discussions on various topics started after the screenings, some giving birth to inspiring film clubs and independent art projects and some giving birth to new films. Website: Negative temperatures A Guzman film on memory and answers