There are almost forty millions citizens in Brazil, 23% of the population, who, despite working extremely hard, survive on less than two US dollars per day. Poverty and hardship limit people’s choices while market forces tend to further marginalize and exclude them. The Solidarium initiative promotes the development of new products through a network of recognized and highly qualified design studios. It aims to identify, qualify and integrate a network of local producers to increase their production capacity through shared techniques and orders in an operation model called “Decentralized Fair Trade Industry.” Solidarium distributes its products through major retailers; thus they are able to generate demand and a greater income monthly to the producers. Solidarium is a fair trade company, which was founded with the aim of connecting artisans and local producers throughout Brazil with consumers, stores and retailers around the world. Using a virtual platform, the company has increased its capacity and has managed to integrate retailers from the most remote communities of the country. The company already has more than 2,000 artisans and 12,000 products registered as part of its network, as well as trade agreements with large retailers in Brazil. In seeking to “make the country a better place, and to promote diversity over inequality,” Solidarium supports a sustainable and cooperative approach. The company embraces all areas of fair trade so that no one loses out. Website: