All As One is an organization trying to save the lives of orphaned and abandoned children in Freetown, Sierra Leone. In a nation where thousands of children are left to survive on their own, All As One is a vibrant Children’s Center for 75 to 85 infants and children. The center provides a home, three meals a day, an on-site school, medical care, counseling, and, most importantly, a family. All As One is the last chance for many children in Sierra Leone. In fact, there are no government-funded children’s services, which means that without All As One, children would end up on the streets of Freetown. The Center provides complete care for Sierra Leone’s most vulnerable children. In addition to 24-hour crisis response and care, their children receive shelter, nutrition, medical care and education. With a staff of over 35 Sierra Leoneans, All As One is there for children around the clock. For many of the children, this is the first sense of home they have ever experienced. The All As One School enrolls children living at the Center and others in the surrounding community. It provides preschool, kindergarten, primary and junior secondary classes. They teach children English, mathematics, literature, social studies, science, arts and physical education. The school employs teachers from the local community who bring cultural relevance to the lessons. Finally, the All As One Medical Clinic helps keep Sierra Leonean children and families healthy by providing preventative intervention and medical treatment. A professionally staffed clinic gives much-needed medical treatment to infants, children, and even adults. Registered nurses are on staff, and direct access to local doctors is available when needed. Web site: