How do you make the world’s laws free and understandable? Casetext is a community of lawyers, law professors, and law students bent on achieving this goal by helping each other understand the law by annotating key legal documents. On Casetext, you can search a database of over a million cases, statutes, regulations, and contracts; read insightful analysis and commentary directly alongside the text from a community of legal experts and add analysis of your own to stand out to potential clients, employers, and fellow attorneys. The community’s analysis is supplemented by information aggregated automatically through state-of-the-art technology. All legal texts and annotations are free and publicly available, and will remain that way forever. The mission of the project is to make all the world’s laws free and understandable. You can start annotating yourself to help build a free source of legal information, share your knowledge about the law, and stand out as an expert in your field. Over 100.000 lawyers do research every month already using Casetext. Website: