DiverseCity OnBoard connects highly qualified candidates from visible minority and under-represented immigrant communities with governance positions in agencies, boards, commissions and nonprofit organizations across the GTA. DiverseCity Voices is an online database of diverse voices connecting qualified speakers and the media in an effort to enrich the content of our national media, including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Finally, DiverseCity Speakers is an online searchable database for event organizers looking for diverse spokespeople and presenters. The DiverseCity project focuses on leadership and leaders. Communities benefit from diverse leaders in a variety of ways. In diverse representation community members see a reflection of themselves, they develop a sense that they belong, are included and are being listened to. Inspiration comes from the idea that leaders have the capacity to take action, make change and motivate others in their communities. Web site: http://civicaction.ca/diversecity-fellows/ Closer to the demographics