Meet the Global Voices of a Child

Rayan Ezzedine, OLBIOS correspondent in Lebanon, tells us about Global Voices of a Child.

Shaping the world beyond the pandemic

The Netherlands: Peter Merry, Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity, writes on Humanity Rising and on how the pandemic has brought everyone into the conversation as we all face the same predicament and future.

An eye-opener in so many dimensions

Cambridge, Massachusetts: In an interview with OLBIOS, Carin Knoop, Executive Director at Harvard Business School, addresses the issue of how this pandemic is a game-changer, revealing ‘how close to the edge many people are living’, unevenness of internet access and the importance of skilled labour, among many other things.

The ‘I’ in “Collective Action"

What we do as individuals, our sense of responsibility within communal life, are make or break factors for what lies ahead, says Carl Liederman, in an interview with OLBIOS.

Learning from the past how to protect our future

USA: Stacy Gallin, Founder and Director at MIMEH, presents in her interview with OLBIOS her work and insights on the most pressing issue: the need for a new moral ethos.

Young people against disaster

Watch the wonderful documentary directed by Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine, and the story of three exceptional children preparing for a music competition.

Rana Nejem OLBIOS interview OLBIOS: How would you describe the collective experience of the pandemic in Jordan and...

Covid-19: The ruthless agent who brought audiences center-stage.

Berlin: What are the ingredients for a great performance? In his article for OLBIOS, award-winning composer and author, Konstantinos Athanasakos outlines some time-honoured ingredients alongside some less obvious but equally important ones.

Re-Learning from disaster

San Francisco: The take-away lessons from the pandemic are not new But we might need to relearn them until it becomes blatantly obvious that how we live and think needs to change, argues professor Dan Brook in an interview with OLBIOS.

Connecting Policy Elites with Civil Society: the Formula for Change in the 2020s?

Andrew Kolb, Director of Communications at German Marshall Fund of the United States, writes on the audiences that causes should reach to shape the future

Sports as an ideal tool of social integration

Marc Larripa Fernandez writes on how A,E Ramassà, a small sports club from Barcelona, became a UN Global Goals ambassador

Listening matters: poor people are not mere beneficiaries

Clinical psychologist Adrien Cascarino writes on how empowerment requires a high dose of self-confidence, which is undermined when individuals are regarded as mere beneficiariesAdrien Cascarino C. is sitting in her house, anemic, tired-looking, and emaciated. Her 3 malnourished children, a 3-year-old son and two-year-old twin daughters, are sleeping, with rashes...

The path from social causes to innovation

Nabeel Siddiqui, CEO at ModulusTech, writes on the realization that housing needs to be re-invented; A thought that led him to a low-cost, modular house that you could easily transport anywhere and set up within a day

Communitarian Empowerment in Practice

Dr Henry Tam, Director of Question the Powerful, describes an exemplary way to enable communities to cultivate mutual respect and cooperate

From street-smart to street-educated

For some children, streets are their learning environment; Arnoud Raskin presents Mobile School and the power of its pioneering outreach strategy based on empowerment, as opposed to merely assistance.

How can humanitarian aid become more effective?

Reinier Van Hoffen writes from the Netherlands on the constructive interplay between tacit knowledge and science in relation to aid effectiveness.

How to think more by being less authentic

Tony Koutsoumbos, says that the best way to see someone else’s point of view might be taking a break from our own authenticity.

From footprints to handprints

We all know of the importance of a company’s footprint in relation to the environment, A handprint is equally important, writes Frantz Dhers

The Orphan Myth: The Global Movement to End Institutionalisation

In his article for OLBIOS, Martin Punaks writes on the powerful ‘orphan myth’ and the challenges of fighting institutionalization and orphan trafficking, The solution lies in moving children to family and family-like structures, argues Punaks.

Change and the world changes with you

In her article for OLBIOS, Caroline Heider, an international development expert, writes on what really matters and how growth can be too much of a good thing. Aligning Incentives to Count What Matters

Can a bank be based on Christian values? 

Tommy PIemonte presents at OLBIOS the exceptional work of BKC

We are faced with a climate emergency. Can art help?

The artist Kito Mbiango contributed to OLBIOS this interview by Jill Van den Brule, In it, Mbiango points to the crucial role of art in communicating risks, but also motivating people to act.

Bottom-Up Development in Armenia

In her article to OLBIOS, Megan Garland writes about her experience with the Dilijan Community Center, a project by the people and for the people