Remember: keep the human in human services.

Australia: Horatio O’Shea writes on how reflection can help shape wellbeing in the workplace.

New Zealand’s mental health crisis: what society can do to prevent it

Oliver Carrington explains why a thriving mental health charity sector could make a real difference in New Zealand.

How Hoxby challenged the 9-5, and created the « workstyle » revolution

UK : Alex Hirst and Lizzie Penny, Co-Founders and Joint CEOs of The Hoxby Collective, present their social enterprise at OLBIOS.

Giving young people a voice

Adam Musinde Athumani, OLBIOS Correspondent in Kenya, presents an impressive report on the country’s youth.

How can you solve the « wicked problem » of forced migration?

Jordan : Nicholas Lyall writes at OLBIOS about innovation and the « Wicked Problems Initiative »

The gesture in the bus that went viral

Uros Delic, OLBIOS Correspondent in Serbia, and the Divac Foundation interviewed the young man from the bus

Connect, motivate, retain : how to reinvent volunteerism

San Francisco : USA : Anitha Beberg tells OLBIOS about SEVA EXCHANGE

Hakawati and the Syrian Experience

From the UK, Juan delGado presents the wonderful initiative Qisetna

Who forgot the victims?

From Senegal, Nadia Ahidjo-Iya reports on (in)justice and women rights.

Churchill’s black dog

Switzerland: Read this excellent report of Maria Halphen, Founder of Meeting for Minds, on her work on mental illness.

How could we build true inclusion?

An article by Alex Storer, Executive Director of Diversity Pride (London)

Striving for an accessible workplace

A paper from Tanja Radovic, OLBIOS Correspondent in Serbia, on employment, identity and self-worth

Educating the orphans

Tijuana, Mexico OLBIOS Correspondent Nicholas Sandoval presents the work of Create Purpose

How to target a city’s tough issues

Philadelphia, USA and the power of one: Tiffany Yau presents the work of Fulphil at OLBIOS

A story of recovery, hope and empowerment

Michael Burkhardt, OLBIOS Correspondent in Mexico, interviews Anam

The revolution of sharing

London, UK : Benita Matofska presents for OLBIOS the work of Generation Share

Defining Good Healthcare

Nairobi Dr Hakeem Rabuka Kiboi, OLBIOS CORRESPONDENT in Kenya, presents RICO

Cosmos Ocoli, the solutions seeker

A role model for people with disabilities

Bringing people together across borders

UBELONG’s high-impact volunteering

Who will help the young artists reach their full potential?

The work of the AICF and the pride of Israel since 1939

Unleashing the passion of young people

The work of GivingPoint

When a competition grows into a nationwide movement

The XQ Super School Movement

Afghanistan By Choice

The documentary of Alexandria Bombach on an unremitting dilemma

Kismet in Albania, Kismet in Serbia

Dive into the lives of 8 young women